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中華電子佛典協會 CBETA 新年公告:回顧與展望 Jan. 1 , 2008 [English] 各位法友好: 在 2008 年初始之際,先跟大家說一聲新年快樂! 過去 2007 這一年, CBETA 除了完成《卍續藏》校注,也開始進行《大正藏》、《卍續藏》以外經文的輸入及校對作業。在我們的規劃中,《大正藏》、《卍續藏》以外經文已確認收錄者有《嘉興藏》 287 經、 1490 卷(附件 1),而分散於其它各版藏經中已確認收錄者有 80 經、 1008 卷(附件 2),另有 324 經待確認(附件 3)。現存藏經之外,近代學者所整理的藏外文獻,以及許多相關的佛學資料,也都將是我們未來要進行數位化的目標。 十年來, CBETA 在經文數量朝「佛典集成」邁進的同時,也致力於提升經文內容的品質,包括「用字修訂」與「新式標點」。用字修訂方面,透過比對《大正藏》與《高麗藏》電子檔(附件 4),以及歷來讀者所提的勘誤意見,共處理 204625 個修訂(附件 5)(經文用字修訂原則可參考: http://www.cbeta.org/forum/index.php?topic=31.0)。又,為改善古來藏經在斷句、分段上的不足, CBETA 著手進行新式標點作業,並於 2007 年底已完成 230 經、1411 卷(附件 6)(新式標點事務可參考: http://www.cbeta.org/xb/index.htm)。 數量、品質之外,在經文資料庫的應用層面,更新更好用的「 CBETA 電子佛典集成 Version 2008 」光碟也將如期發行。適逢 CBETA 成立十週年,我們將於 2008.2.15 與法鼓佛教研修學院合辦「 EBTI/CBETA 國際會議」(相關訊息請參閱: http://www.ddbc.edu.tw/eng/conferences/ebti-cbeta-ch.html),並於會中發表「 CBETA 電子佛典集成 Version 2008」。 十年來,在佛典數位化的理想道路上,你們的支持、鼓勵及協助是 CBETA 一路走來最大的動力,相信在長遠的未來這股動力依然是會源源不絕。 感謝你們,並祝福大家萬事如意!
CBETA 敬上 Dear Dharma friends, We are much privileged and honoured at the beginning of the Year 2008 to write to ask you to join us in the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of CBETA. Since founding in 1998, CBETA pursues to deliver a digital collection of Chinese canonical scriptures that is comprehensive and readily available to scholars, researchers and general readers. Behind each and every passing anniversary marking one and another accomplishment in the expansion of collection, improvements of contents quality and accuracy, and exploration of enhanced user-orientated applications are the dedicated generosity of our contributors, to whom we are much in debt to. We present to you in separate attachments CBETA's humble achievements for your perusal. I am pleased to inform you that CBETA will celebrate the anniversary with the publication of CBETA 2008 version CD-ROM and by co-organising with the Dharma Drum Buddhist College to host the 2008 EBTI/CBETA International Conference on February 15. I invite you to visit the official website of the event at: http://www.ddbc.edu.tw/eng/conferences/ebti-cbeta.html Your unceasing supports have been the cradle and witness of the many realisations in the advancement for and accomplishments of the digitisation of the Buddhist canonical scriptures CBETA strives to foster, allow me therefore to take this opportunity to express on behalf of CBETA our heartfelt appreciation to you and may this new year open another chapter of fruitful collaboration.